| Name | Description |
 | AllowAddNew | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should provide a new row template so users can add items to the source collection. |
 | AllowDelete | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should delete selected rows when the user presses the Delete key. |
 | AllowDragging | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to drag rows and/or columns with the mouse. |
 | AllowMerging | Gets or sets which parts of the grid provide cell merging. |
 | AllowResizing | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to resize rows and/or columns with the mouse. |
 | AlternatingRowStep | Gets or sets a value that determines the number of regular rows between 'alternating' rows. |
 | AnchorCursor | Gets or sets a value that determines whether extending selections with the mouse or keyboard should change the start (cursor) or the end of the current selection. |
 | AriaLabel | Gets or sets the aria label property of cells host. |
 | AutoClipboard | Gets or sets whether the grid should handle clipboard shortcuts. |
 | AutoGenerateColumns | Gets or sets whether the grid should generate columns automatically based on the itemsSource. |
 | AutoRowHeights | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should automatically resize the rows when the data or grid layout change. |
 | AutoScroll | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should automatically scroll its contents while users drag rows or columns into new positions. |
 | AutoSearch | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should search for cells as the users types into read-only cells. |
 | AutoSizeMode | Gets or sets which cells should be taken into account when auto-sizing a row or column. |
 | BigCheckboxes | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the checkboxes used to edit boolean columns should extend to cover the whole cell width. |
 | BottomLeftCellsTemplate | Gets the templates applied in bottom left cells. |
 | CaseSensitiveSearch | Gets or sets a value that determines whether searches performed while the user types should case-sensitive. |
 | CellsTemplate | Gets the templates for the content cells. |
 | ChildItemsPath | Gets or sets the name of the property used to generate child rows in hierarchical grids. |
 | CloneFrozenCells | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the FlexGrid should clone frozen cells and show them in a separate element to improve perceived performance while scrolling. |
 | ColumnFootersRowHeaderText | Gets or sets the text for the group row header in the column footers panel. |
 | ColumnFootersTemplate | Gets the templates applied in column footers cells. |
 | ColumnHeadersTemplate | Gets the templates applied in the column header cells. |
 | ColumnLayout | Gets or sets a JSON string that defines the current column layout." remarks="The column layout string represents an array with the columns and their properties. It can be used to persist column layouts defined by users so they are preserved across sessions, and can also be used to implement undo/redo functionality in applications that allow users to modify the column layout. |
 | Columns | Gets the grid's column collection. |
 | CommitEmptyEdits | Gets or sets a value that indicates how the grid commit empty edits to cell values. |
 | Components | Gets the child components. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component) |
 | CopyHeaders | Gets or sets copied header cells when copying the content to the clipboard. |
 | CssClass | Gets or sets the css class of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | CssStyles | Gets the CSS style applied in the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | DefaultColumnSize | Gets or sets the default size of columns in the column collection. |
 | DefaultRowSize | Gets or sets the default size of rows in the row collection. |
 | DefaultTypeWidth | Gets the static object that defines the default width for auto-generated grid columns based on their types. |
 | DeferResizing | Gets or sets whether row and column resizing should be deferred until. |
 | ErrorTip | Gets the error tooltip of FlexGrid. |
 | ExpandSelectionOnCopyPaste | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should automatically expand the selection to include cells in merged ranges when copying or pasting content to/from the clipboard. |
 | Extenders | Gets the extender collection. |
 | FrozenColumns | Gets or sets the number of frozen columns. |
 | FrozenRows | Gets or sets the number of frozen columns. |
 | GroupHeaderFormat | Gets or sets the format string used to create the group header content. |
 | GroupSummaryPosition | Gets or sets a value that determines the position of group summary row in the group. This property does not work if ChildItemsPath property is set. |
 | HeadersFocusability | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the row and column headers are focusable. |
 | HeadersVisibility | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the row and column headers are visible. |
 | HeaderTemplate | |
 | Height | Gets or sets the height of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | HtmlAttributes | Gets the HTML attributes. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | Id | Gets or sets the component id. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component) |
 | ImeEnabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should support Input Method Editors (IME) while not in edit mode. |
 | IsDisabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | IsReadOnly | Gets or sets whether the user can edit the grid cells by typing into them. |
 | IsTemplate | Gets or sets a boolean value which indicates whether transfer this control to template mode. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | ItemFormatter | Gets or sets a formatter function used to customize cells on this grid. |
 | ItemsSource | Gets or sets ItemsSource settings. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.ItemsBoundControl<T>) |
 | ItemsSourceId | Gets or sets the ItemsSourceId specify which CollectionViewService will be used for this control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.ItemsBoundControl<T>) |
 | ItemValidator | Gets or sets a validator function to determine whether cells contain valid data. |
 | KeyActionEnter | Gets or sets the action to perform when the ENTER key is pressed. |
 | KeyActionTab | Gets or sets the action to perform when the TAB key is pressed. |
 | LazyRender | Gets or sets whether the grid should skip rendering cells that were updated in the last render cycle. |
 | NewRowAtTop | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the new row template should be located at the top of the grid or at the bottom. |
 | OnClientAutoSizedColumn | Occurs after the user auto-sizes a column by double-clicking the right edge of a column header cell. |
 | OnClientAutoSizedRow | Occurs after the user auto-sizes a row by double-clicking the bottom edge of a row header cell. |
 | OnClientAutoSizingColumn | Occurs before the user auto-sizes a column by double-clicking the right edge of a column header cell. |
 | OnClientAutoSizingRow | Occurs before the user auto-sizes a row by double-clicking the bottom edge of a row header cell. |
 | OnClientBeginningEdit | Occurs before a cell enters edit mode. |
 | OnClientCellEditEnded | Occurs when a cell edit has been committed or canceled. |
 | OnClientCellEditEnding | Occurs when a cell edit is ending. |
 | OnClientCopied | Occurs after the user has copied the selection content to the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property). |
 | OnClientCopying | Occurs when the user is copying the selection content to the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property). |
 | OnClientDeletedRow | Occurs after the user has deleted a row by pressing the Delete key. |
 | OnClientDeletingRow | Occurs when the user is deleting a selected row by pressing the Delete key (see the allowDelete property). |
 | OnClientDraggedColumn | Occurs when the user finishes dragging a column. |
 | OnClientDraggedRow | Occurs when the user finishes dragging a row. |
 | OnClientDraggingColumn | Occurs when the user starts dragging a column. |
 | OnClientDraggingColumnOver | Occurs as the user drags a column to a new position. |
 | OnClientDraggingRow | Occurs when the user starts dragging a row. |
 | OnClientDraggingRowOver | Occurs as the user drags a row to a new position. |
 | OnClientFormatItem | Occurs when an element representing a cell has been created. |
 | OnClientGotFocus | Occurs when the control gets the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | OnClientGroupCollapsedChanged | Occurs after a group has been expanded or collapsed. |
 | OnClientGroupCollapsedChanging | Occurs when a group is about to be expanded or collapsed. |
 | OnClientItemsSourceChanged | Occurs after the grid has been bound to a new items source. |
 | OnClientItemsSourceChanging | Occurs after the grid has been bound to a new items source. |
 | OnClientLoadedRows | Occurs after the grid rows have been bound to the data source. |
 | OnClientLoadingRows | Occurs before the grid rows are bound to the data source. |
 | OnClientLostFocus | Occurs when the control loses the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | OnClientPasted | Occurs after the user has pasted content from the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property). |
 | OnClientPastedCell | Occurs after the user has pasted content from the clipboard into a cell. |
 | OnClientPasting | Occurs when the user is pasting content from the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property). |
 | OnClientPastingCell | Occurs when the user is pasting content from the clipboard into a cell. |
 | OnClientPinnedColumn | Occurs as columns are pinned. |
 | OnClientPinningColumn | Occurs as columns are pinning. |
 | OnClientPrepareCellForEdit | Occurs when an editor cell is created and before it becomes active. |
 | OnClientRefreshed | Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | OnClientRefreshing | Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | OnClientResizedColumn | Occurs when the user finishes resizing a column. |
 | OnClientResizedRow | Occurs when the user finishes resizing rows. |
 | OnClientResizingColumn | Occurs as columns are resized. |
 | OnClientResizingRow | Occurs as rows are resized. |
 | OnClientRowAdded | Occurs when the user creates a new item by editing the new row template (see the allowAddNew property). |
 | OnClientRowEditEnded | Occurs when a row edit has been committed or canceled. |
 | OnClientRowEditEnding | Occurs when a row edit is ending, before the changes are committed or canceled. |
 | OnClientRowEditStarted | Occurs after a row enters edit mode. |
 | OnClientRowEditStarting | Occurs before a row enters edit mode. |
 | OnClientScrollPositionChanged | Occurs after the control has scrolled. |
 | OnClientSelectionChanged | Occurs after selection changes. |
 | OnClientSelectionChanging | Occurs before selection changes. |
 | OnClientSortedColumn | Occurs after the user applies a sort by clicking on a column header. |
 | OnClientSortingColumn | Occurs before the user applies a sort by clicking on a column header. |
 | OnClientUpdatedLayout | Occurs after the grid has updated its internal layout. |
 | OnClientUpdatedView | Occurs when the grid finishes creating/updating the elements that make up the current view. |
 | OnClientUpdatingLayout | Occurs before the grid updates its internal layout. |
 | OnClientUpdatingView | Occurs when the grid starts creating/updating the elements that make up the current view. |
 | PasteEmptyCells | Gets or sets a value that determines whether when pasting, paste all cells or only not empty cells. |
 | PinningType | Gets or sets how the grid pins the column headers by clicking the icons toggles the column's frozen state |
 | PreserveOutlineState | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should preserve the expanded/collapsed state of nodes when the data is refreshed. |
 | PreserveSelectedState | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should preserve the selected state of rows when the data is refreshed. |
 | PreserveWhiteSpace | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should keep whitespace in cells as they appear in the data or whether it should collapse the whitespace into a single space character |
 | QuickAutoSize | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should optimize performance over precision when auto-sizing columns. |
 | RefreshOnEdit | Gets or sets whether the grid should refresh all cells after a cell is edited. |
 | RowHeaderPath | Gets or sets the name of the property used to create row header cells. |
 | RowHeadersTemplate | Gets the templates applied in row header cells. |
 | ScrollPosition | Gets or sets the position of the grid's scrollbars. |
 | Selection | Gets or sets the current selection. |
 | SelectionMode | Gets or sets the current selection mode. |
 | Selector | Gets or sets the selector to macth the dom element(s) which the control is attached to. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | ShowAlternatingRows | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should add the 'wj-alt' class to cells in alternating rows. |
 | ShowColumnFooters | Gets or sets a bool value which indicates whether to show a group row to display the aggregates in the column footers panel. |
 | ShowDropDown | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid adds drop-down buttons to the cells in columns that have the ShowDropDown property set to true. |
 | ShowErrors | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should add the 'wj-state-invalid' class to cells that contain validation errors, and tooltips with error descriptions. |
 | ShowGroups | Gets or sets whether the grid should insert group rows to delimit data groups. |
 | ShowMarquee | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should display a marquee element around the current selection. |
 | ShowPlaceholders | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should use the column headers as placeholders when editing cells. This property only works with the grid's built-in editor. This property is not useful in IE. |
 | ShowSelectedHeaders | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should add class names to indicate selected header cells. |
 | ShowSort | Gets or sets whether the grid should display sort indicators in the column headers. |
 | SkipMerged | Gets or sets a value that determines whether when copying, skip cells that have been merged. |
 | SortingType | Gets or sets how the grid sort columns by clicking the column header cells. |
 | SortRowIndex | Gets or sets the index of row in the column header panel that shows and changes the current sort. |
 | StickyHeaders | Gets or sets a value that determines whether column headers should remain when the user scrolls the window. |
 | TabOrder | Gets or sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | TemplateBindings | Gets the collection of the template bindings. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | TopLeftCellsTemplate | Gets the templates for the topleft cells. |
 | TreeIndent | Gets or sets the indent used to offset row groups of different levels. |
 | UniqueId | Gets a value which represents the unique id for the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |
 | ValidateEdits | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should remain in edit mode when the user tries to commit edits that fail validation. |
 | VirtualizationThresholds | Gets or sets the minimum number of rows and/or columns required to enable virtualization. |
 | Width | Gets or sets the width of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control) |